Rome, September 15,2022 – The shift towards a low-carbon energy system is a complex challenge that requires both societal and technical solutions. The adoption of renewable energy sources (RES) can face obstacles arising from gaps in education and awareness. To address these challenges, the SKILLBILL initiative has been launched. Ten partners from different countries including Italy, Greece, Belgium, Spain, Finland, Netherlands, and Slovakia have collaborated to establish a solid foundation for the growth and acceleration of renewable energy’s deployment. This will be achieved through engaging with stakeholders, promoting scientific knowledge and skills development across different levels of the workforce. The successful implementation of this initiative depends on developing interest in renewable energy with a clear and innovative approach using appropriate language.
The SKILLBILL consortium includes AzzeroCO2 (AzzeroCO2), Q-PLAN International Advisors (Q-PLAN), White Research S.R.L. (WR), University of Tuscia (UNITUS), University of Seville (USE), Metropolia University of Applied Sciences (METROPOLIA), University of Utrecht (UU), European Renewable Energy Federation (EREF), Sinergie Soc. Cons. a r.l. (SINERGIE), Pedal Consulting SRO (PEDAL). Partners had a physical meeting on September 15, 2022, in Rome (Italy) to officially launch the project and exchange ideas for its implementation.
SKILLBILL project, funded by the EU through the Horizon Europe program (Grant Agreement No: 101075587) and coordinated by AzzeroCO2, is focused on spreading knowledge about renewable energy sources (RES) at different levels in order to train workers and increase awareness, ultimately promoting a more social and inclusive Europe.
The project addresses numerous complex challenges across multiple disciplines, including economy and sociology, and takes an open and flexible approach to creating pathways for participation in RES regardless of initial level of education, working position, or gender.
SKILLBILL has an effective methodology for facilitating participation in learning activities for the acquisition of scientific, technical, entrepreneurial, and digital skills necessary for involvement in RES. The project has identified six main steps to lay the foundation, including:
- steering the development of sustainable technologies through a “Joint Stakeholder Initiative“;
- launching a “Green Portal” to provide qualitative information on RES and promote their development;
- developing an advanced permanent specialization program on RES at the EU level;
- creating a technical, practical, and permanent Vocational Education Program on RES;
- reducing the gender gap in STEM and
- increasing awareness about RES.
The activities and expected results of SKILLBILL will have a positive impact on various stakeholders involved in the value chain, such as academia, industry, decision-makers, and civil society.
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