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Women for market uptake of renewable heating and cooling

W4RES project aims on scaling-up the involvement of women in the market deployment and uptake of Renewable Heating and Cooling (RHC) solutions via replicable support measures tested and validated across the 8 respective countries. The basic project concept stems from the recognition that women hold great promise as agents of change, helping us make Europe independent from fossil fuels and progress faster towards our climate and energy targets for 2030.



Upscaling the market uptake of renewable energy by unlocking the biogas potential of livestock farming

ALFA is set on unlocking the potential of biogas production from livestock farming to enhance the wider uptake of RES and increase the share of bioenergy as a baseload energy source while ensuring reduced emissions from untreated manure and supporting the creation of new jobs and revenue for the livestock farming industry. During its three years, the project will support at least 50 livestock farmers in 6 EU counties (Greece, Italy, Spain, Denmark, Belgium, and Slovakia) to overcome existing barriers and viably take up biogas solutions whilst providing a more informed basis for citizens, stakeholders, and policymakers by unveiling biogas market dynamics, facts, and perceptions



The Sustainability Educational Programme for Greener Fuels and Energy on ports

The SEANERGY project aims to go towards zero-emission ports, becoming clean energy hubs for integrated electricity systems, hydrogen, and other low-carbon fuels, as much as testbeds for waste reuse and the circular economy through the creation of the SEANERGY Master Plan.




Upskilling students and members of the workforce to prepare for the green transition, in support of a low carbon economy

RES4CITY is a 36-month project, starting in Q4-2022, and funded by the European Union, that aims to enhance the development of sustainable renewables and fuel technologies in cities by co-designing an innovative educational programme with stakeholders and promoting sustainability and circularity, filling the knowledge and skills gaps for a successful energy transition.




Gender equality in the clean energy transition

FemPower aims to increase female representation in the Clean Energy Transition sector, empower and prepare those who are already active in academia or the market, and integrate the gender dimension in CET research and development.




Transition to sustainable future through training and education

TRANSIT is a project funded by the European Union under the program Horizon Europe that aims to provide sustainable training and re-skilling programmes for current and future generations on a multidisciplinary approach in renewable energy. In achieving this, TRANSIT seeks to enable the societal changes that will encompass the high ambitions of deployment and transformation of the energy sector in the next decades through the design and delivering of an overall educational, retraining and social engagement programme covering different sectoral strategies and stakeholders.




Paving the way for a clean Hydrogen economy in Europe
Design of a reactive and urgent upskilling and reskilling programme for occupational profiles for a career in the Hydrogen value chain.

GreenSkills4H2 is a 4-year project aiming at developing sectoral skills strategies to reduce skills shortages, gaps and mismatches, in the short and the medium term. The Green Skills for Hydrogen project has collaborated closely with hydrogen stakeholders across the European Union to identify the occupational profiles in high demand in the sector and analyse the required level of “hydrogen knowledge” of these profiles. This study has enabled us to outline what we call the European Hydrogen Skills Strategy. This Strategy aims to provides insights into the current landscape of educational and training programmes available for hydrogen skill development in Europe.




Flexibility from grid to market across sectors
ENabling FLexibility provision by all Actors and sectors through markets and digital TEchnologies

The project ENFLATE relates to the European Commission’s policy framework and seeks to decarbonise the energy system, encourage the electrification of heat and transport, as well as the connection of more clean but intermittent generation.  The ENFLATE project will build upon existing solutions on data driven energy services and non-energy services, and replicate them in different geographies, climate and consumer needs. It will propose applicable consumer-centered flexibility platforms and test them in five European countries through the engagement of local consumers, TSOs, DSOs, market operators, regulatory authorities, service providers, manufacturers and academia. It will provide smart grid innovative technologies, peer-to-peer market platforms for consumers, smart building and local community cross vector flexibility services, integration of consumer centered flexibility with pan European spot markets. Sustainable and Efficient business models will be developed and tested, combing energy services with health and mobility services.




Market Uptake Measures of Floating Offshore Wind Technology Systems (FOWTs)


MAREWIND project is a research project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.The project provides vital solutions to help building a next generation of large offshore wind energy- and tidal power generators by solving the current challenges related to materials, coatings and multi-material architectural performance.
By enhancing the materials’ durability, recyclability, and reduce maintenance in offshore structures, the project will contribute to a more economic and sustainable model of the offshore wind sector. MAREWIND aims to develop durable materials and recyclable solutions for the offshore wind industry, while extending the service life of the wind facilities. In addition, the project outcomes will also contribute to meeting the EU climate targets and create new job opportunities within the wind industry.




The aim of iSOP four-year work programme is to undertake cutting edge multidisciplinary research and development to make a step change in understanding and advancing Supercritical CO2 based power generation systems’ technology. This will enable a step change in the role played by power and heat cycles to become major contributors to achieving the 2050 zero emissions targets. ISOP will achieve this goal while providing specialised training for 17 doctoral researchers to help establish the backbone of an important industry.



GenB is a 30-month project funded under Horizon Europe, the EU’s key funding programme for research and innovation. The project focuses on educating and empowering the Generation Bioeconomy (GenB) to become aware, sensitive, and engaged with environmental issues, sustainability, and circularity. Key initiatives include:

  • An online Virtual Library offering hundreds of resources on the sustainable and circular bioeconomy.
  • Toolkits designed for students, teachers, and multipliers, providing materials such as videos, MOOCs, factsheets, lesson plans, and more to facilitate bioeconomy education.
  • A youth GenB Ambassadorship Programme aimed at inspiring and empowering young bioeconomy enthusiasts.
  • Participatory activities like a Bioeconomy Art Competition and Youth Debates to foster creativity and dialogue.
